# 🎉 ## Fun is a Business Model! Why hanging out with nerds is good for business. # 💰
Alessandro Pisa - Innsbruck - 2025-02-11
--- ## Who am I? - I am (was?) a Physicist. - I got the disease of software development. - I work for [Syslab.com](https://syslab.com). --- ### Collaboration - Attending open-source conferences and sprints since 2012. - I have a lot of fun at these events! - My company pays for me to go. --- ## Yes ### they ## can! --- ## Why does a company pay? - Formative experience. - Networking. --- ## Open source vs big tech - Competing companies will profit by cooperating ([coopetition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coopetition)). - Open source enables small teams to challenge big tech companies. - [~10 Trillions USD](https://openlogisticsfoundation.org/public-property-as-an-economic-factor-what-open-source-software-is-worth/). Sorry, Elon. --- ## The Cathedral and the Bazaar [Essay on open-source development](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar). - Closed vs open - Centralized vs decentralized --- ## OS Phenomenon - It permeates your life. - Lots of studies about how this bubbled-up. --- ## Conclusion - Fun and profitable - Benefits: - me - my Boss - the world Join, you will be welcome! --- ## Thank You! 🎤 Questions?
Reach me later!