What to do when I want to write a new blog post

I should update this site more often :)

This is mainly a note for myself...

Usually it takes a long time between two of my posts, so probably many Nikola releases appeared.

So before starting I think it is good idea to upgrade :p

What I do is something like this:

cd ale-rt.github.io.builder/
. bin/activate
pip install -U Nikola
pip freeze > requirements.txt
git diff

Yeah, I know, I should add this to a Makefile ;)

Then in one console I start nikola auto:

cd ale-rt
nikola auto

And on another one I add a new post:

nikola new_post -f markdown -2 -t "What to do when I want to write a new blog post"

After that, if everything goes right I push my commits.
