Notes on Plone5 migration

Plone 5.0b1 is out

Caveat: This is work in progress.

The First beta of Plone 5 is in the wild and is performing really good.

It is time to start migrating our products.

On this page I am going to link all the resources I am finding about porting code from Plone 4 to Plone 5.

Changed imports

I will try to keep this list up to date.

Import zope IIntIds from zope.intid (was
-from import IIntIds
+from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds

Products you will not need anymore

There a re some products that have been included/superseeded by Plone5 default packages.

Here a list of those and some instructions on how to remove them.


Many of my sites where using wildcard.foldercontents.

This is enough in most cases (not all):

  • remove wildcard.foldercontents your buildouts
  • remove wildcard.foldercontents in your files
  • remove <dependency>profile-wildcard.foldercontents:default</dependency> in your metadata.xml files

In some other case you may have to search deeper in your code (python imports, template customizations, ...)

Theme migration

If your Plone 4 theme was based on "Sunburst Theme" remember to modify this: it should be based on "Plone Default".

You should do something similar:

- <skin-path name="My Site Theme" based-on="Sunburst Theme">
+ <skin-path name="My Site Theme" based-on="Plone Default">

Portlets compatibility

Do you want to port your portlets to Plone5? You have to port the to the new z3c.form machinery. Luckily this is really easy
